I love me some earth-tones, oh yes I do,
and I churn along turning out gray, olive, black, gray olive black ...
but deep inside I'm building up Dr. Seuss energy that suddenly needs to
burst out faster than you can say three-handled family credenza.
I made some of these shirts, with purples and yellows and pinks and
stripes - course stripes. I'm tempted to make a goofy rhyme, but I will
contain that for now. I could, you know, please appreciate my
Last weekend I went to the Joseph Cornell
exhibit in Salem Mass. I want to write about it but it pretty much
left me speechless. My experience was quiet and internal, not conducive
to fascinating-up my blog. I think my friends felt similarly. We all
said we loved it, but only talked a short bit then when back to the rest
of the day. It was certainly hard to divorce my experience of it from
the rows of mass-produced scrapbooking crap you can buy at any store
now. I felt polluted by the crapification of collage.