Managing my brain's energy is a full time job - but I do try to fit a bit of sewing into my days too - you know, so I can pay my bills. Every once in a while I pull these disparate goals together and do some work that keeps all neurons tidy and focused ... at least for a time.
Such is the case, currently, with knee-length skirts. I'm in love with making them. Each one has its own rhythm and shape that wants to emerge - the design unfolds nicely before me as I cut - a problem emerges and I solve it, an idea wants to come through and I sew this way and that, stitching those panels back together and yes - there is the idea, expressed with economy, like a tidy E.B. White paragraph. I wish it was always this way, this murky art ~ craft ~ brain ~ life work that I do.
In honor of riding the current energy stream I'm doing some custom skirts for people. Well, they're sort of custom-ish. I get to pick the colors, so I don't know who will be adventurous enough to let me play/work for them. My plan is to make these for a short time, until the curiosity is gone and the mojo fades and I feel like skirts are stupid and I should never make one again! Which could be any day now. So if you want one, take the leap.